County Assessor



  • 15+ years of Financial reconciliations & managing Million dollar Budgets
  • Passion towards learning
  • Led multiple teams & compliance initiatives

  • Loves to help others succeed

Why I want to be your County Assessor

I believe in people and their desire to be treated fairly!
By nature, I love to fix things--
I can give our community the service they deserve with trust and transparency!


Experience & Leadership

I Declare my Candidacy for the Office of Carbon County Assessor.
I was born and raised in this hard-working community to a coal miner and loving Ma. After many years of living worldwide, my husband and I decided to return to this area to put down our roots and join in the community spirit. We have been back in the community for nearly 15 years, and I am so thankful for the friends and family in our community.  
Running for a political office is a new adventure; however, working and learning in the Assessor position will be very natural for me to gain the certifications. I have worked hard for the formal education degrees I possess, while my work experience is just as deliberate and vast. I have the financial aptitude and expertise to provide the patrons of this County with a fair and balanced assessment of their property according to the market guidelines. 
I believe in our great Country, the State of Utah, and our hard-working County community.
I will bring transparency and reliability to the County Assessor Office.
I ask for your positive support!  
My contact information...
Cell Phone: +1 435 938 8168